Publications scientifiques
Les équipes de recherches de l'IGBMC publient régulièrement des articles qui font avancer les connaissances dans divers domaines de recherche. Vous trouverez sur cette page l'ensemble des publications dans lesquels les travaux de nos scientifiques sont cités.
A specific programme of gene transcription in male germ cells
- Sarah Kimmins
- Noora Kotaja
- Giulia Fienga
- Ullas Kolthur Seetharam
- Stefano Brancorsini
- Kevin Hogeveen
- Lucia Monaco
- Paolo Sassone-Corsi
Reproductive BioMedicine Online ; Volume: 8 ; Page: 496-500
Senataxin, the ortholog of a yeast RNA helicase, is mutant in ataxia-ocular apraxia 2
- Maria-Céu Moreira
- Sandra Klur
- Mitsunori Watanabe
- Andrea H. Németh
- Isabelle Le Ber
- José-Carlos Moniz
- Christine Tranchant
- Patrick Aubourg
- Meriem Tazir
- Lüdger Schöls
- Massimo Pandolfo
- Jörg Schulz
- Jean Pouget
- Patrick Calvas
- Masami Shizuka-Ikeda
- Mikio Shoji
- Makoto Tanaka
- Louise Izatt
- Christopher E. Shaw
- Abderrahim M'Zahem
- ...
Nature Genetics ; Volume: 36 ; Page: 225-227
Spatial and temporal expression of the zebrafish genome by large-scale in situ hybridization screening
- Bernard Thisse
- Vincent Heyer
- Aline Lux
- Violaine Alunni
- Agnès Degrave
- Iban Seiliez
- Johanne Kirchner
- Jean-Paul Parkhill
- Christine Thisse
Methods in Cell Biology ; Volume: 77 ; Page: 505-519
Comparative frequency of fragile-X (FMR1) and creatine transporter (SLC6A8) mutations in X-linked mental retardation
- Jean-Louis Mandel
American Journal of Human Genetics ; Volume: 75 ; Page: 730-731;
Structural investigation of the ligand binding domain of the zebrafish VDR in complexes with 1alpha,25(OH)2D3 and Gemini: purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis
- Fabrice Ciesielski
- Natacha Rochel
- André Mitschler
- Alexander Kouzmenko
- Dino Moras
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ; Volume: 89-90 ; Page: 55-59
DNA damage stabilizes interaction of CSB with the transcription elongation machinery
- Vincent van den Boom
- Elisabetta Citterio
- Deborah Hoogstraten
- Angelika Zotter
- Jean-Marc Egly
- Wiggert A. van Cappellen
- Jan H.J. Hoeijmakers
- Adriaan B. Houtsmuller
- Wim Vermeulen
Journal of Cell Biology ; Volume: 166 ; Page: 27-36
Difficulties of genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis in a consanguineous couple segregating for the same translocation (14;15) (q11;q13) and at risk for Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes
- Elisabeth Flori
- Valérie Biancalana
- Françoise Girard-Lemaire
- Romain Favre
- Jean Flori
- Berenice Doray
- Jean-Louis Mandel
European Journal of Human Genetics ; Volume: 12 ; Page: 181-186
Complementary expression patterns of retinoid acid-synthesizing and -metabolizing enzymes in pre-natal mouse inner ear structures
- Raymond Romand
- Karen Niederreither
- Suzan Abu-Abed
- Martin Petkovich
- Valerie Fraulob
- Eri Hashino
- Pascal Dollé
Gene Expression Patterns ; Volume: 4 ; Page: 123-133
Effects of loop conformation on pKa and ligand binding in DNA gyrase B
- Martina Schechner
- Annick Dejaegere
- Roland Stote
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry ; Volume: 98 ; Page: 378-387
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