Publications scientifiques
Les équipes de recherches de l'IGBMC publient régulièrement des articles qui font avancer les connaissances dans divers domaines de recherche. Vous trouverez sur cette page l'ensemble des publications dans lesquels les travaux de nos scientifiques sont cités.
Structural mechanism of signal transduction between the RNA-binding domain and the PTS-regulation domain of the LicT antiterminator.
- Hélène Déméné
- Thierry Ducat
- Karine de Guillen
- Catherine Birck
- Stéphane Aymerich
- Michel Kochoyan
- Nathalie Declerck
Journal of Biological Chemistry ; Volume: 283 ; Page: epub ahead of print
Impairing retinoic acid signalling in the neural crest cells is sufficient to alter entire eye morphogenesis.
- Nicolas Matt
- Norbert B Ghyselinck
- Isabelle Pellerin
- Valérie Dupé
Developmental Biology ; Volume: 320 ; Page: 140-8
Sequential actions of myotubularin lipid phosphatases regulate endosomal PI(3)P and growth factor receptor trafficking.
- Canhong Cao
- Jonathan M. Backer
- Jocelyn Laporte
- Edward J. Bedrick
- Angela Wandinger-Ness
Molecular Biology of the Cell ; Volume: 19 ; Page: 3334-46
Targeting bile-acid signalling for metabolic diseases.
- Charles Thomas
- Roberto Pellicciari
- Mark Pruzanski
- Johan Auwerx
- Kristina Schoonjans
dressNature Reviews Drug Discovery ; Volume: 7 ; Page: 678-93
Endosomal phosphoinositides and human diseases.
- Anne-Sophie Nicot
- Jocelyn Laporte
Traffic ; Volume: 9 ; Page: 1240-9
Cancer cells, adipocytes and matrix metalloproteinase 11: a vicious tumor progression cycle.
- Elena Roza Motrescu
- Marie-Christine Rio
Biological Chemistry ; Volume: 389 ; Page: 1037-41
Cancer cells, adipocytes and matrix metalloproteinase 11: a vicious tumor progression cycle
- Elena Roza Motrescu
- Marie-Christine Rio
Biological Chemistry ; Volume: 389 ; Page: 1037-1041
Transfection ability and intracellular DNA pathway of nanostructured gene-delivery systems.
- Xin Zhang
- Kamal Kant Sharma
- Marcel Boeglin
- Joelle Ogier
- Didier Mainard
- Jean-Claude Voegel
- Yves Mély
- Nadia Benkirane-Jessel
Nano Letters ; Volume: 8 ; Page: 2432-6
The PHD domain of Np95 (mUHRF1) is involved in large-scale reorganization of pericentromeric heterochromatin.
- Roberto Papait
- Christian Pistore
- Ursula Grazini
- Federica Babbio
- Sara Cogliati
- Daniela Pecoraro
- Laurent Brino
- Anne-Laure Morand
- Anne-Marie Dechampesme
- Fabio Spada
- Heinrich Leonhardt
- Fraser Mcblane
- Pierre Oudet
- Ian Marc Bonapace
Molecular Biology of the Cell ; Volume: 19 ; Page: 3554-63
Zinc-finger UBPs: regulators of deubiquitylation.
- Jacques Bonnet
- Christophe Romier
- László Tora
- Didier Devys
Trends in Biochemical Sciences ; Volume: 33 ; Page: 369-75
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