Publications scientifiques
Les équipes de recherches de l'IGBMC publient régulièrement des articles qui font avancer les connaissances dans divers domaines de recherche. Vous trouverez sur cette page l'ensemble des publications dans lesquels les travaux de nos scientifiques sont cités.
Novel isoforms of the fragile X related protein FXR1P are expressed during myogenesis
- E. W. Khandjian
- B. Bardoni
- F. Corbin
- A. Sittler
- S. Giroux
- D. Heitz
- S. Tremblay
- C. Pinset
- D. Montarras
- F. Rousseau
- Jean-Louis Mandel
Human Molecular Genetics ; Volume: 7 ; Page: 2121-2128
Production and functional expression of an epitope-tagged human choline acetyltransferase
- Isabelle Robert
- Christiane Quirin-Stricker
Journal of Molecular Neuroscience ; Volume: 11 ; Page: 243-251
Transmembrane Signaling across the Ligand-Gated FhuA Receptor
- Kaspar Locher
- Bernard Rees
- Ralf Koebnik
- André Mitschler
- Luc Moulinier
- Jurg Rosenbusch
- Dino Moras
Cell ; Volume: 95 ; Page: 771-778
The RXRalpha ligand-dependent activation function 2 (AF-2) is important for mouse development
- Bénédicte Mascrez
- Manuel Mark
- Andree Dierich
- Norbert B. Ghyselinck
- Philippe Kastner
- Pierre Chambon
Development (Cambridge, England) ; Volume: 125 ; Page: 4691-4707
TRAF-4 expression in breast carcinomas
- Catherine-Laure Tomasetto
- Catherine H. Regnier
- Marie-Christine Rio
American Journal of Pathology ; Volume: 153 ; Page: 2007-2008
Zebrafish Clock rhythmic expression reveals independent peripheral circadian oscillators
- David Whitmore
- Nicholas Foulkes
- Uwe Strähle
- Paolo Sassone-Corsi
Nature Neuroscience ; Volume: 1 ; Page: 701-707
Expression of a truncated form of hHb1 hair keratin in human breast carcinomas
- C. H. Régnier
- A. Boulay
- P. H. Asch
- C. Wendling
- Marie Pierrette Chenard
- C. Tomasetto
- Marie-Christine Rio
British Journal of Cancer ; Volume: 78 ; Page: 1640-1644
Hoxa1 and Krox-20 synergize to control the development of rhombomere 3
- Françoise Helmbacher
- Cristina Pujades
- Carole Desmarquet
- Monique Frain
- Filippo M. Rijli
- Pierre Chambon
- Patrick Charnay
Development (Cambridge, England) ; Volume: 125 ; Page: 4739-4748
Introduction: Notch signalling and choice of cell fates in development
- Pat Simpson
Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology ; Volume: 9 ; Page: 581-582
Keratinocyte-specific retinoid regulation of human cellular retinoic acid binding protein-II (hCRABPII) gene promoter requires an evolutionarily conserved DR1 retinoic acid-responsive element
- Wen Di
- Xiao-Yan Li
- Subhash Datta
- Anders Aström
- Gary J. Fisher
- Pierre Chambon
- John J. Voorhees
- Jia-Hao Xiao
Journal of Investigative Dermatology ; Volume: 111 ; Page: 1109-1115
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