Innovating with IGBMC
How to collaborate with IGBMC research teams?
IGBMC offers several partnership formats:
- Development of collaborative research programs
- Joint submission to calls for proposals
- Supervision of PhD students or master's degree trainees
Find out which IGBMC research team will become your partner by consulting the research teams webpage.
For a company under French law, there are many ways to obtain financial support for public-private R&D partnerships. For example, the CIFRE scheme allows any company under French law to hire a PhD student in collaboration with the IGBMC and benefit from a source of funding. Do not hesitate to contact us to learn more.
Customized support
IGBMC partnership service helps to design your innovative project:
- Matchmaking with the appropriate research teams
- Follow-up of discussions and advice in setting up the project
- Proposal of the appropriate partnership format
- Drafting of the partnership contract
The Institute is accredited for the French research tax credit schemes (CIR/CICo). Several platforms are quality certified (ISO 9001, NF X 50-900).