
PluriCell East

PluriCell East



With over 30 years of experience in cell culture, we provide a wide range of services from media manufacturing to cell banking.

We have a collection of over 2400 cell lines. These include normal cell lines, tumor cell lines, cell lines from patients with genetic diseases as well as cell lines from different species (human, rodent and other mammals, zebrafish, insects, …).

For over 10 years, we have been developing expertise in the field of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) and mouse embryonic stem cells (mESC).

These services are intended for the entire scientific community, national and international, public and private.



Our services

The PluriCell East platform provides expertise, technological and scientific support to help users. To this end, it:

  • Performs human and animal cell lines culture, both normal and patient-derived
  • Performs large-scale cell suspension culture
  • Performs mouse embryonic stem cells (mESC) and human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) culture
  • Prepares mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) and inactivated MEF with mitomycin C (Feeders) for mESC culture
  • Produces LIF (Leukemia Inhibitory Factor)
  • Prepares customized culture media
  • Performs quality controls
    • Thawing tests
    • Mycoplasma detection tests
    • Characterization of induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC)
    • Chromosome counting
  • Performs optimizations of culture conditions and testing of new products (tests of materials, media, serum, culture methods etc.)
  • Provides technical support to researchers for their projects
  • Trains new users in hiPSC culture
  • Provides a L2 laboratory for hiPSC manipulation
  • Provides a L2 laboratory for virus manipulation


  •  Characterization of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC)
  • Soon: hiPSCs genome editing by CRISPR/Cas9








Access restricted to the platform’s members



120 m² cell culture laboratories (L1 et L2)

  • 9 Biological Safety Cabinets HERASAFE KS12 et KS15

  • 12 Incubators CO2 Panasonic

  • 3 inverted Zeiss Microscopes

  • 2 observation system Lynx Stereo Vision Engineering for hiPSC culture

  • 1 Analyseur-Coulter Beckman Vi-Cell XR

  • 1 room at 37°C for large scale suspension cells culture

Cryogenic room

  • 7 Cryocontainer CF 320M – 350 L – Cryodiffusion
  • 1 Freezer -86°C SANYO




Laverie dédiée

  • 2 Washers - Lancer
  • 2 Ovens Memmert (UF750 et UFE600)
  • 1 Autoclave DE LAMA
  • 1 Autoclave MATACHANA S1000





Laboratories accessible to the platform’s users

Laboratory L2 dedicated for experiment with virus:

  • 6 Biological Safety Cabinets HERASAFE KS12
  • 7 incubators CO2 Panasonic
  • Evos Fluorescence Microscope
  • Ultra-centrifuge Beckman
  • 1 Freezer -86°C SANYO

2 Laboratories L2 dedicated to hiPSC culture:

  • 7 Biological Safety Cabinets HERASAFE KS12 et KS15
  • 6 incubators CO2 Panasonic
  • 1 incubator tri-gas for culture in hypoxia
  • 4 Leica observation systems
  • 2 Lynx observation system Stereo Vision Engineering
  • 1 inverted Microscopes whose 1 fluorescence microscope with camera






For any request to the PluriCell East Platform, please contact us at :

Contribution of platform’s

In your publication acknowledgments, please mention the contribution of platform’s expertise with the following sentence :
« We thank the PluriCell East platform for cell culture services »


The PluriCell East platform is involved in several regional, national and European networks :






Fundings and Partners




