Zebrafish aquatic facility
Zebrafish facility
The IGBMC Zebrafish Aquatic Facility is a shared resource that offers aquaculture services to a diverse group of researchers using zebrafish as model organism. Zebrafish have several advantages that include optically transparent embryos, ease of genetic manipulation, sequenced genome, rapid external development, high fecundity, and straightforward husbandry requirements. These advantages provide research opportunities to explore molecular mechanisms to elevate our understanding of human development and diseases.
The aquatic facility has a capacity for over 1,200 fish tanks with a full-time dedicated staff to care for several hundred fish. The staff feeds approximately 3.5 million brine shrimp daily and over 100 pounds of fish food annually. That is a lot for a 1.5-inch fish! The facilities utilize large recirculating aquaculture systems to house the fish and ensure optimal health.
The aquatic facility has dedicated procedure rooms equipped with incubators, microinjectors, and a capillary puller. The aquatic facility includes an isolated quarantine room for imported and sick fish.
This shared resource is available to all IGBMC researchers and to external users and currently services four research labs from multiple departments. Under the direction of facility manager, Sandrine Geschier and scientific advisor and facility head, Dr. Christelle Golzio, the facility maintains full accreditation by the direction départementale de la cohésion sociale et de la protection des populations (DDSCPP).
If you are interested in learning more about this facility, please email Sandrine Geschier or Christelle Golzio.
Collaborations and networks
The aquatic animal facility is involved with the Celphedia group, which is a network that aims to accelerate the understanding of the genome and the production of models of human and animal diseases