Centre for integrative biology
The Centre for integrative biology hosts the national FRISBI and European Instruct-ERIC and iNEXT-Discovery infrastructures, making available state-of-the-art instrumentation and expertise in the field of structural biology, from sample preparation to biophysical characterization of molecules up to their three-dimensional structure determination, to academic and industrial, national and European scientists.
The Centre for integrative biology partners with Research infrastructures
The Centre for integrative biology (CBI) was built in 2012 to reinforce the excellence of Strasbourg's research by investing in the development of modern technologies in order to offer a cutting-edge technological environment to the site's scientific teams but also to the entire academic and industrial, regional, national and European scientific community.
The CBI is the coordinating center of the French Distributed Infrastructure for Integrated Structural Biology, FRISBI, selected at the national level in the framework of the call for projects "National Infrastructures in Biology and Health" of the "Investissements d'avenir", and is a centre of the European infrastructure in structural biology Instruct-ERIC and iNEXT-Discovery.
The infrastructures activities of the CBI are supported by the research teams of the on-site Department of Integrated Structural Biology.
A state-of-the-art centre
This state-of-the-art centre provides a cutting-edge technological environment to better understand the structure-function of biological systems, including gene expression, from the atomic, molecular to the cellular and tissue level.
The CBI was designed to be able to set up and develop activities related to integrative structural biology in particular. Indeed, the CBI houses world-class equipment and know-how in the fields of biological sample production and characterisation, cryo-electron microscopy, super-resolution microscopy and crystallography, all of which are open within the framework of research infrastructures.