Variabilité des complexes transcriptionnels au cours du développement et dans les pathologies
Anciens membres
Former PhD students (period of their PhD indicated, with the year when they defended their theses, and their last known positions with the corresponding affiliations are indicated, if known)
- Xavier Jacq, 1992-1997, thesis: 14. 10. 1997. Chief Scientific Officer at MoA Technology, Oxford, England, United Kingdom.
- Anne Bertolotti, 1993-1998, thesis: 20. 04. 1998. Programme Leader and PI, at MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB), Cambridge, UK
- Jean-Christophe Dantonel, 1995-1999, thesis: 17. 12. 1999. Health and Biotechnologies Director at Governement Agency, Paris, France
- Marjorie Brand, 1996-2001, thesis: 20.2.2001. Group Leader at Department of Cell and Regenerative Biology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Medicine and Public Health, USA.
- Doris Kirschner, 1997-2001, thesis: 14.03.2001. Sophrologue, Île-de-France, France
- Claire Leurent, 1998-2002, thesis 13.12.2002. Principal, Venture Investments at Johnson & Johnson Innovation, MA. Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Máté Á. Demény, 2001-2006, thesis: 31.05.2006. Research associate at University of Debrecen, Hungary
- Sara Hardy, 2001-2005, thesis: 24.06.2005. Data Analyst at Evotec, Auzeville-Tolosane, Occitanie, France
- Flavie Robert, 2001-2005, thesis: 15.06.2005. Co-fondatrice de Bokoloko SàRL - Entrepreneuse Epicière, Vevey, Switzerland
- Adrien Eberlin, 2002-2008, thesis: 09.11.2007, Medical Science Liaison, at Merck Sharp and Dohme (MSD) France,
- Laure Jobert, 2003-2009, thesis: 28.11.2007. Staff Scientist at Thermo Fisher Scientific, Oslo, Norway.
- Emese Gazdag, 2004-2009, thesis: 24.11. 2008. Post-doc with Bertrand Seraphin, IGBMC, Illkirch, France.
- Arnaud Krebs, 2006-2010, thesis 21.09.2010. Group-leader at EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
- Guillaume Lang, 2006-2011, thesis: 20.09.2011. PhD in Molecular Biology, Strasbourg, France.
- Jacques Bonnet, 2007-2013, thesis: 16.03.2013. Post-doc with Jürg Müller at MPI of Biochemistry, Martinsried, München, Germany
- Anne Riss, 2007-2012, thesis: 16.09.2012. Technical Support Scientist for the UK/Nordics area at Merck Millipore, Molsheim, France
- Akos Gyenis, 2008-2013, thesis: 16.12.2012. Researcher and laboratory supervisor at the institute of CECAD at University of Cologne, Köln, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
- Sarina Ravens, 2010-2014, thesis: 1.12. 2014. Group Leader at Institut of Immunology, Hannover Medical School, Germany.
- Nikolas Vosnakis, 2010-2014, thesis 16.12.2014. PhD in Molecular Biology, Strasbourg, France.
- Tiago Baptista, 2013-2017, thesis 25. 09. 2017. Post-doc with Catarina Homem, at CEDOC – Chronic Diseases Research Center, Lisbon, Portugal
- Federica Evangelista, 2014-2018, thesis 19. 12. 2017. Submission Manager in the Open Access journal “Frontiers” in Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Paul Bardot, 2014-2018, Ph.D. student, thesis 28. 06. 2018. Field Medical Advisor at Madrigal Pharmaceuticals, France
- Sascha Conic, 2014-2018, thesis 27. 09. 2018. Post-Doc in the lab of Profs. Andreas Trumpp and Marc Thier at the DKFZ in Heidelberg, Germany
- Changwei Yu, 2015-2018, thesis 13. 12. 2018. Post-doc with Julius Brennecke, IMBA, Vienna BioCenter, Vienna, Austria.
- Pooja Mukherjee, 2015-2019, thesis 20. 09. 2019. Post-doc with Jamie Cate at University of California-Berkeley, USA. She is also chair of of the Berkeley Science Fellows program.
- Fang Wang, 2017-2021, thesis 04. 12. 2020. Post-doc with Nicola Iovino at Max Planck Institute in Freiburg, Germany.
- Veronique Fischer, 2016-2021, thesis 29. 09. 2020, European patent examiner, at European Patent Office (EPO), München, Germany.
- Kenny Schumacher, 2017-2022, thesis 08. 12. 2021, Field Application Scientist, Illumina, Strasbourg, Grand Est, France.
- Vincent Hisler, 2017-2022, thesis 22. 12. 2021, Post-doc with Anna Jazwinska-Müller, at Faculté des Sciences et de Médecine, Université de Fribourg, Switzerland
Former Post-docs (period they spend in the Tora lab, and their last known positions with the corresponding affiliations are indicated)
- Veronika Dubrovskaya, 1993-1995 Research Associate, Department of Biological Sciences, Fordham University, Bronx, NY, USA.
- Elzbieta Wieczorek, 1995-1997. Project leader at Department of Biochemistry, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland;
- Brendan Bell, 1997-2002 Associate professor and Director of Microbiology graduate studies at University of Sherbrooke, Canada
- Lorant Lakatos, 1999-2001 Principal Investigator at Biological Reseach Center, Szeged, Hungary;
- William Mohan, 1999-2003 Scientists at Health Canada, Ontario, Canada;
- Elmar vom Baur, 2001-2002 Senior Director, Project Leader Development Projects at Numab Therapeutics AG, Zurich, Switzerland;
- Evi Soutoglou, 2001-2003 Professor of Genome Stability, and Group Leader at School of Life Sciences, at University of Sussex, UK;
- Mattia Frontini, 2001-2006 BHF Senior Basic Science Research Fellow at Cambridge Cardiovascular, Department of Haematology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge, UK.
- Nathalie Matter, 2002-2003 Cluster manager NanoMat & Managing director, at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Materials Center, Karlsruhe, Germany
- Traci Hilton, 2003-2006 Principle Investigtor at UbiVac, LLC, Portland, Oregon, USA
- Zita Nagy, 2004-2008 Co-fondatrice de BienAvecMonChien, Dog Educator Behaviorist, Alsace, France;
- Anne Helmrich, 2006-2012 Technical Support for Merck Millipore Life Science, Molsheim, France;
- Maria Elena Torres-Padilla, 2006-2008 Director of Institute of Epigenetics and Stem Cells at Helmholtz Zentrum München, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt (GmbH), Germany;
- Meritxell Orpinell, 2007-2010, Team Lead, Professional Services at Benchling, Geneva, Switzerland
- Krishanpal Karmodiya, 2008-2013 Principal Investigator and Assistant Professor at Center of Excellence in Epigenetics, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune, India;
- Anamika Krishanpal, 2009-2013 Technical Specialist and Genomics Team Leader at Labs, at Persistent Systems, Pune, India;
- Monica Ballarino, 2010-2012 Professor at Dept. of Biology and Biotechnology "Charles Darwin" Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy;
- Eda Süer, 2012-2013 Freelance Translator, Ankara, Turkey;
- David Umlauf, 2010-2013 Maître de Conférences at Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France;
- Marjorie Fournier, 2010-2014 Research Scientist, Proteomics Specialist, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK;
- Chen-Yi Wang, 2012-2014 Postdoctoral Research Scientist, NDORMS, Medical Science Division, University of Oxford, UK;
- Ivanka Kamenova, 2014-2017 Associate Editor at Nature Protocols, London, UK;
- Farrah El-Saafin, 2016-2019, Research Assistant at Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute, Melbourne, Victoria, Australie;
- Gizem Yayli-Vokshi, 2020-2023, Post-doctoral Fellow with Utthara Nayar, at Johns Hopkins University, School of Public Health, Baltimore, United States;
Former Visiting Professors
- Prof. Michael Poirier (6 moths in 2018) Department of Physics, Ohio State University, USA
Variabilité des complexes transcriptionnels au cours du développement et dans les pathologies
Au cours des dernières années, notre laboratoire a identifié et caractérisé différents facteurs de transcription chez les métazoaires. Ces protéines régulatrices comprennent des facteurs d'initiation de la transcription par l'ARN polymérase II (TFIID en particulier) et des co-activateurs (Spt-Ada-Gcn5 acétyltransférase: SAGA; ou Ada Two A containing, ATAC) qui forment de grands complexes multi-protéiques. Ces complexes sont recrutés aux promoteurs des gènes pour initier la transcription et/ou pour modifier le paysage épigénétique du génome. Nos études démontrent que ces complexes ou leurs variantes jouent un rôle essentiel dans la transcription, ainsi que dans les processus de régulation de la chromatine. Notre objectif principal est de comprendre la nature et les modalités d'assemblage de ces différents complexes, les mécanismes par lesquels ils contrôlent l’expression des gènes codant des protéines dans le noyau d'une cellule donnée, au cours de la croissance, de la différenciation et du développement. Nous utilisons des approches biochimiques, génétiques, de biologie cellulaire, d’imagerie, de biophysique, de bio-informatique et structurales pour étudier le contrôle de l'expression des gènes, la stabilité du génome et l'architecture de la chromatine dans différents organismes eucaryotes (levure, souris et humain). Nos activités visent à mieux comprendre les processus de régulation des gènes dans différents systèmes cellulaires et au cours du développement d'organismes vertébrés. Nous nous intéressons également à la manière dont la perturbation de ces processus hautement régulés est la cause de pathologies.
Projets en cours
1) Étudier les mécanismes d'assemblage de différents complexes transcriptionnels;
2) Analyser la variabilité de la composition des complexes de pré-initiation et comprendre leur rôle dans la régulation de la transcription pendant le développement et la différenciation (lors de la croissance ovocytaire en particulier);
3) Comprendre le rôle des complexes co-activateurs dans la régulation de la transcription;
4) Visualiser la transcription par l'ARN polymérase II dans les cellules vivantes au niveau des gènes transcrits;
5) Caractériser comment et pourquoi les mutations de certaines sous-unités de ces complexes (TAFs) sont associées à des maladies du système nerveux et des déficiences intellectuelles ?
Collaborations et réseaux
- Dr. Marc H.T.M. Timmers, German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Medical Center-University of Freiburg, Germany, ANR-PRCI project
- Dr. Fred Coin, IGBMC; IGBMC, Illkirch, France, ANR project
- Dr. Dominique Helmlinger, Centre de Recherche en Biologie Cellulaire de Montpellier (CRBM), CNRS UMR5237, Montpellier, France; and Nacho Molina, ANR project;
- Prof. Ferenc Müller, Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics, School of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Birmingham; UK, TBPL2 project,
- Prof. Imre Berger, Bristol University, TBPL2 project,
- Prof. Boris Lenhard, Imperial College London, UK; TBPL2 project,
- Dr. Iannis Talianidis, Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, FORTH, Herakleion, Crete, Greece, EU-ITN project;
- Dr. Pascal Didier, UdS, Laboratoire Biophotonique et des interactions moleculaires, Illkirch, France, Imaging project;
- Dr. Nacho Molina, IGBMC, Illkirch, France, Quantification and analysis of nuclear transcription factor behavior and recruitment project
- Dr Bertrand Séraphin, IGBMC, Illkirch, analysis of regulation of mRNA decay during oocyte growth;
- Prof. Stéphane Viville, Hôpital Universitaire de Strasbourg, identification of TBPL2 mutations associated with female infertility in patients, FRM project;
- Prof. Etienne Weiss, ESBS UdS, Illkirch, France, Visualization of nuclear transcription factors project;
- Dr. Patrick Schultz; IGBMC, Illkirch, France, cryo-EM structure of TFIID, SAGA and ATAC complexes;
- Dr. Florian Müller, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France, TFIID assembly project;
- Prof. Michael Poirier, Ohio State University (OSU), Ohio, USA; NIH RO1 grant, characterization of HAT complexes
- Prof. Carlos Castro, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, OSU, USA; NSF grant, DNA origami project.
- Prof. Jeff Ranish, Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, USA; Crosslinked mass spec projects on TFIID, SAGA and ATAC.
- Prof. Steve Hahn, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, USA; the role of SAGA and TFIID in yeast.
Financements et partenaires
Research Support for the Tora team in the past 10 years
- ANR PRCI Programme 2023, (ANR-23-CE11-0034-01), project: DNA Origami-based machines for epigenetic manipulation of gene transcription (acronym: ChromOrigami), 01/01/2024-31/12/2026, French coordinator: L. Tora, collaboration with the teams of N. Molina (IGBMC), M. Poirier, Ohio State University (Department of physics, OSU, USA), US coordinator, and C. Castro (OSU, USA).
- ANR Programme 2022 (ANR-22-CE11-0013-01_ACT), project: Structure and function of human ATAC HAT complex (acronym ATAC); 01/10/2022-30/09/2025, Coordinator: G. Papai (IGBMC), collaboration with L. Tora team.
- NIH MIRA grant (USA), R35GM139564, Mechanisms of chromatin regulation of transcription. Coordinator: M. Poirier, Ohio State University (Department of physics, OSU, USA), co-PI. Tora group (IGBMC); 01/02/2022-31/08/2026.
- FRM (Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale) (EQU-2021-03012631), "Équipe labélisé FRM", project: Characterization of a new transcription initiation machinery functioning during mammalian oogenesis; 01/12/2021-30/11/2024,
- ANR Programme 2020 (ANR-20-CE12-0014-02), project: Coactivator, Partner: D. Devys (Tora team). Coordinator: D. Helmlinger (CRBM, Montpellier) 01/04/2021-28/02/2025.
- ANR Programme 2020 (ANR-20-CE12-0017-03), project: Functions and dysfunctions of the transcription/repair factor TFIIH (acronym TFIIH) Coordinator: F. Coin (IGBMC), collaboration with L. Tora team; 01/01/2021-30/06/2024.
- ANR PRCI Programme 2019, (EpiCAST-19-CE12-0029-01), project: Epigenetic complex assembly in space and time (acronym: EpiCAST), French coordinator: L. Tora, collaboration with HTM Timmers' (DKFZ, Freiburg, Germany) team; 01/01/2020-31/30/06/2023.
- NSF (National Science foundation, USA), Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation 2019 (EFRI), SUBAWARD N° 60072367;, project: DNA origami tools to engineer chromatin structure and function in live cells; with four US groups. Coordinator: C. Castro (OSU, USA); 01/09/2019-31/08/2023
- ANR Programme 2019 (PICen-19-CE11-0003-02), project: Structure and function of endogenous yeast TFIID-containing complexes (acronym PICen); Coordinator: G. Papai (IGBMC), collaboration with L. Tora team; 01/10/2019-30/09/2022.
- ANR Programme 2018 (ANR-18-CE12-0026), SAGA-Retina, Coordinator: D. Devys (Tora team). 01/01/2019-31/12/2021;
- NIH RO1 grant (USA), 5R01GM131626-02, coordinator: M. Poirier, Ohio State University (OSU, USA): Understanding how two related mammalian histone acetyl transferase co-activator complexes, SAGA and ATAC, differentially regulate chromatin dynamics and transcription. 01/02/2019-31/01/2022.
- ANR Programme 2015, (ANR-15-CE11-0022-02), SAGA2, Structure, activité et analyse génomique de co-activateur SAGA, Two groups. Applicant D. Devys. Partner; 01/10/2015-30/09/2018.
- ERC Advanced Grant-2013, project: From birth to action: regulation of gene expression through transcription complex biogenesis, (acronym BIRTOACTION). 01/01/2014-31/12/2018.
Quand la construction des complexes protéiques et la synthèse des protéines se produisent simultanément
L’activité de nos cellules est régulée par de multiples complexes multiprotéiques, essentiels pour leur fonctionnement. Dans une étude publiée dans…
Lire la suite
Laszlo Tora -
- Elected as a member of Academia Europaea, in 2016
- Elected as a member of Faculty Opinions (originally called F1000Prime) in 2014. Member of the Cell Biology/Control of Gene Expression Faculty.
- ERC Advanced Grant - European Research Council, in 2013.
- Doctoral and research supervision award for high level of scientific activity with teaching from CNRS, in 2013.
- Etancelin Grand Prize - Institut de France de l'Académie des Sciences - in 2011
- Elected as a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Section of Biological Sciences, in 2010
- Scientific Prize - Helmholtz Humboldt Research award, in 2005
- Elected as a member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) in 2001
- Silver Medal - CNRS - 2001
- One-year research scholarship within the framework of Hungarian-French scientific and technical cooperation and exchange programs (in 1985).
TAF8 regions important for TFIID lobe B assembly or for TAF2 interactions are required for embryonic stem cell survival
- Elisabeth Scheer
- Jie Luo
- Andrea Bernardini
- Frank Ruffenach
- Jean-Marie Garnier
- Isabelle Kolb-Cheynel
- Kapil Gupta
- Imre Berger
- Jeff Ranish
- László Tora
Journal of Biological Chemistry ; Page: 101288
What defines the maternal transcriptome?
- László Tora
- Stéphane D Vincent
Biochemical Society Transactions ; Volume: 49 ; Page: 2051-2062
The related coactivator complexes SAGA and ATAC control embryonic stem cell self-renewal through acetyltransferase-independent mechanisms
- Veronique Fischer
- Damien Plassard
- Tao Ye
- Bernardo Reina-San-Martin
- Matthieu Stierle
- Laszlo Tora
- Didier Devys
Cell Reports ; Volume: 36
TAF8 regions important for TFIID lobe B assembly, or for TAF2 interactions, are required for embryonic stem cell survival
- Elisabeth Scheer
- Jie Luo
- Frank Ruffenach
- Jean-Marie Garnier
- Isabelle Kolb-Cheynel
- Kapil Gupta
- Imre Berger
- Jeff Ranish
- László Tora
SUPT3H-less SAGA coactivator can assemble and function without significantly perturbing RNA polymerase II transcription in mammalian cells
- Veronique Fischer
- Elisabeth Scheer
- Elisabeth Lata
- Bastian Morlet
- Damien Plassard
- Stéphane Vincent
- Dominique Helmlinger
- Didier Devys
- László Tora
Histone H2Bub1 deubiquitylation is essential for mouse development, but does not regulate global RNA polymerase II transcription
- Fang Wang
- Farrah El-Saafin
- Tao Ye
- Matthieu Stierle
- Luc Negroni
- Matej Durik
- Veronique Fischer
- Didier Devys
- Stéphane D Vincent
- László Tora
Cell Death and Differentiation ; Volume: 28 ; Page: 2385-2403
Histone H2Bub1 deubiquitylation is essential for mouse development, but does not regulate global RNA polymerase II transcription
- Fang Wang
- Farrah El-Saafin
- Tao Ye
- Matthieu Stierle
- Luc Negroni
- Matej Durik
- Veronique Fischer
- Didier Devys
- Stéphane Vincent
- László Tora
Cell Death and Differentiation
The related coactivator complexes SAGA and ATAC control embryonic stem cell self-renewal through acetyltransferase-independent mechanisms
- Veronique Fischer
- Damien Plassard
- Tao Ye
- Bernardo Reina-San-Martin
- Matthieu Stierle
- Laszlo Tora
- Didier Devys
Cell Reports ; Volume: 36 ; Page: 109598
TBPL2/TFIIA complex establishes the maternal transcriptome through oocyte-specific promoter usage
- Changwei Yu
- Nevena Cvetesic
- Vincent Hisler
- Kapil Gupta
- Tao Ye
- Emese Gazdag
- Luc Negroni
- Petra Hajkova
- Imre Berger
- Boris Lenhard
- Ferenc Müller
- Stéphane D Vincent
- László Tora
Nature Communications ; Volume: 11 ; Page: 6439
TBPL2/TFIIA complex establishes the maternal transcriptome through oocyte-specific promoter usage
- Changwei Yu
- Nevena Cvetesic
- Vincent Hisler
- Kapil Gupta
- Tao Ye
- Emese Gazdag
- Luc Negroni
- Petra Hajkova
- Imre Berger
- Boris Lenhard
- Ferenc Müller
- Stéphane Vincent
- Làszlo Tora
Nature Communications ; Volume: 11 ; Page: 6439
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