
Chemical biophysics of transcriptional signaling

Chemical biophysics of transcriptional signaling

The immense variety of processes that occur in a living organism rely on  molecular interactions between biological molecules and their ligands. Using computational approaches, we study molecular recognition processes, which allow us to characterize the dynamics and interactions of protein-protein, protein-ligand and protein-DNA complexes. We also seek to characterize and understand the mechanisms of large macromolecular complex assembly and to deepen our understanding of the structural and dynamic consequences of these constructs. For example, we are trying to elucidate how molecular signals are transmitted in biomolecular systems. Recent applications focus on the nuclear receptor super family, which are ligand-induced transcription factors that play a role in complex processes such as differentiation, development and homeostasis of the cell. We study the interplay between ligand binding, structural changes and allostery in these receptors. These projects are developed in collaboration with experimental groups of IGBMC and others. These studies provide important information that can be used in rational drug design projects developed at the interface between groups of molecular biology, biophysics and organic synthesis.


Current projects

Experimental biophysics and structural biology of nuclear receptor proteins
Computational biophysics and molecular modeling of nuclear receptor proteins

Funding and partners

  • ANR
  • INCA
  • Fondation ARC
  • Ligue Contre le Cancer
  • Alsace contre le Cancer
  • FRM
  • ARTP
  • Labex INRT

Awards and recognitions

  • Anna Belorusova – Prix Fondation Université de Strasbourg – 2016 ; Prix de thèse 2016 de la Société de Biologie de Strasbourg
  • Natacha Rochel – Prix FRM Scientifique – 2012
  • Annick Dejaegere - Ordre des Palmes Académiques 2018


Integrated structural biology